List of publications on a keyword: «щелочная фосфатаза»


Publication date: 16.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 2 (Всего: 6)
Ugilbibi R. Fayzieva , candidate of medical sciences , associate professor
Termez branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy , Uzbekistan
Erkina A. Khudoykulova , candidate of medical sciences
Tashkent Medical Academy , Uzbekistan

«The application of AkvaD3etrim for rickets»

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According to the authors, the application of AkvaD3etrim on the background of symptomatic therapy of rickets and the vitamin D deficiency in children showed that, the drug leads to more dynamic performance improvement of calcium and phosphorus in blood, reduces the period of clinical symptoms and reduces the frequency of relapse of the disease.