List of publications on a keyword: «underground»

Технические науки

Publication date: 22.03.2018
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Liliia F. Khaliullina
Kseniia V. Chilikina
Institut gidrotekhnicheskogo i energeticheskogo stroitel'stva FGBOU VO "Natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi stroitel'nyi universitet" , Москва г

«Строительство в условиях Крайнего Севера»

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The article is devoted to the issues, problems and solutions arising in the construction in The far North on permafrost soils, in severe natural conditions and at abnormally low temperatures. The authors note that low temperatures below freezing, fogs, short summer and long winter can be significant barriers to construction in this area.

Publication date: 14.03.2018
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Irina A. Vaseneva , bachelor of engineering sciences , graduate
Saint-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering , Санкт-Петербург г

«Footing for refrigerated buildings»

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Problems of foundations for refrigerated building are considered in this article. Basic and traditional methods of their arrangement are analyzed, positive and negative aspects of each of the ways are highlighted. The author outlines the main ways to improve them.

Тема номера

Publication date: 11.04.2017
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Vyacheslav A. Ermakov , candidate of philosophical sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г
Andrey A. Androsov , candidate of historical sciences
ANO of PE “College of Economics, Insurance and Information Technology” , Москва г

«Political goals during liquidation of masonic organizations by Joint State Political Directorate – People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in USSR in the 1920s–1930s»

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This research is dedicated to the political specificity of elimination of «masonic underground organization» by soviet special forces in USSR. The issue of relations between communist movements with political masonry was also considered in the article. It appears that in the beginning of 1920s «freemasons» planned prospects in cooperation with Bolsheviks, while having hidden goal to «cover» Soviet government with masonic ideas. Masons of 1920s were quite satisfied with Bolshevism as a weapon to eradicate Russian national self-awareness and its Orthodox religion. Liquidation process of masonic underground, which started in 1925, was conditioned by inner-party strife between «Stalinists», conducting anti-masonic and anti-Zionist campaigns, and «Trotskyists», who appeared to be a weapon of international masonic politics in Soviet Russia. Authors conclude that liquidation of occult-masonic underground in USSR had several political goals: covering communist party leaders' masonic past, elimination masons as potential western secret service agents, threatening conservative intelligentsia, exposure masonic people from the environment of Soviet officials and cultural elites, extermination masonic alternative of communistic ideology and preparation of «grand terror» against «Lenin's guard».

Технические науки

Publication date: 25.07.2016
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Shakhaddin N. Djabbarov
LLC "SPC Izmeron factory" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Modern issues of corrosive firmness of underground equipment complexes for mineral oil output»

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In this article the author analyzes the causes of corrosion failures of underground wells equipment while oil extraction and also considers the available measures to reduce the negative effects of corrosive influence.