List of publications on a keyword: «transfer method»

Парадигмы современного образования

Publication date: 11.05.2018
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Roman E. Telpov , candidate of philological sciences , доцент
Khong zhang Nguen , bachelor of pedagogic sciences , Магистрант II курса
FSBEI of HE “Pushkin State Russian Language Institute” , Москва г

«Приемы преподавания фразеологизмов во вьетнамской аудитории (на материале фразеологизмов тематической группы «Ум – глупость»)»

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In the article, in the case of phraseology of the thematic group «Mind-stupidity», various methodological developments are presented that contribute to better assimilation of this group of stable expressions in the Vietnamese audience. Special emphasis is placed on exercises based on a transfer method, designed to teach Russian in a Vietnamese audience by Vietnamese teachers.