List of publications on a keyword: «evil»


Publication date: 15.12.2017
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Tatiana S. Rasulova , candidate of philosophical sciences
State Conservatory of Uzbekistan , Uzbekistan

«Moral Law in the doctrine of Zaratushtra»

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The article is dedicated to one of the important problem of the morals and morality of the human society, and necessity of upbringing young people in the traditional family values. The morals and morality laws are considering on the example of the Zaratushtra’s doctrine, who according to the old legend, was one of the first prophets, bringing the idea of the monotheism to the earth. The famous triad of Zaratushtra about good thought, good word and good deed continues to be a morality pointer for all contemporary mankind.

Publication date: 27.05.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 2)
Natalia P. Miorzlaia
FSBEI of HE "Saint-Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy" of Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г

«Образ андрогина в раннехристианском гностицизме как принцип идентичности человека»

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The article is devoted to philosophical understanding of the idea of the androgyne in Christian Gnosticism. Used the hypothesis about the existence of two versions of Christianity in the first centuries of our era. It is concluded that the ancient authors considered androgyny as a condition of belonging to the Kingdom of God. The androgyne acted as a kind of model of identity involves the removal of social tension and the transition to the new way of social organization.