List of publications on a keyword: «IKE»


Publication date: 03.12.2018
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 14)
Irina V. Kozlova
Elena V. Shirokova
MBOU "Litsei im. I.I. Feduntsa" , Тульская обл

«The study of the structure of carbon nanoparticles using the Euler theorem»

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The methods of designing fullerenes and nanotubes are presented. It is proved that in the construction of nanotubes, regardless of the method of production, there are 12 pentagons and a practically infinite number of hexagons, thus satisfying the Euler theorem for polyhedra.

Технические науки

Publication date: 26.09.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Svetlana I. Medvedeva
Maksim S. Golovinskii
FSAEI of HE "National Research University of Electronic Technology" , Москва г

«Передача информации об IPSEC с помощью протокола IKE»

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В данной работе рассмотрен метод обмена данными о построении IPsec туннелей между сторонами. Авторами описаны различные типы пакетов и сообщений, которые используются при этом обмене. Кроме того, представлены некоторые ключевые моменты о формировании пакетов данных.


Publication date: 25.01.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 1 (Всего: 1)
Thu Ha Nguyen , candidate of sociological sciences , преподаватель
Xuan G. Dang , lecturer
Vietnam Trade Union University , Vietnam

«The role of trade union organization in solving labor disputes and strikes in Vietnam»

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The article describes the role of the trade union organization in solving labor disputes and strikes and the legal basis of the role of trade union organization in solving labor disputes and strikes in Vietnam.


Publication date: 02.12.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Anastasia N. Shulgina
Aleksandr A. Sergeev , candidate of economic sciences
FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г

«The main problems of Cycling excursions on the Moscow market»

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The article discusses the reasons of rejection of Bicycle transport. It is noted that the main causes are the heavy ecological situation in Moscow and a large number of vehicles. The authors note that according to the Department of natural resources 90% of pollution is caused by the road transport. To solve this problem, the authors offer to use bicycles and to develop a network of cycle routes and excursions, improve the quality of bike paths to connect them together, to approve the rules of the road (SDA) for cyclists, which will reduce the number of accidents with their participation. The article presents strong arguments in favor of the development and use of bicycles and bicycle tours.