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Methods of teaching the basics of gymnastics elements

Аll-Russian scientific and practical conference «Updating the educational process in an educational organization. Panorama of upbringing practices»
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Published in:
Аll-Russian scientific and practical conference «Updating the educational process in an educational organization. Panorama of upbringing practices»
Iliunina T. S. 1 , Vasil'eva I. G. 1
Work direction:
Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
Article accesses:
1 MAOU "Litsei 4 im. Geroia RF Shalaeva R.E."
For citation:
Iliunina T. S., & Vasil'eva I. G. (2025). Methods of teaching the basics of gymnastics elements. Updating the educational process in an educational organization. Panorama of upbringing practices, 274-277. Чебоксары: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.

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Experienced teachers ask themselves this question: why is such a beautiful and necessary sport as gymnastics not popular in comprehensive schools? After all, gymnastics has a multifaceted effect on the entire body. Flexibility, agility, coordination, beautiful posture and many other things distinguish gymnastics from other sports. Nowadays, it is important that children strive not only to acquire the motor skills necessary for life, but also to be able to see “her majesty the beauty of movement.”


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