Kinesiological Exercises as Physical Training Sessions for Elementary School Children: a Guide for a Novice Teacher

- Published in:
- Аll-Russian scientific and practical conference «Modern teacher and his role in the formation of key competencies of students»
- Authors:
- Klementeva A. M. 1 , Mikheeva N. V. 1
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 604
- Published in:
1 MBOU "SOSh 22"
For citation:
Klementeva A. M., & Mikheeva N. V. (2024). Kinesiological Exercises as Physical Training Sessions for Elementary School Children: a Guide for a Novice Teacher. Modern teacher and his role in the formation of key competencies of students, 162-165. Чебоксары: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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The work is devoted to practical techniques for attracting attention and developing fine motor skills in elementary school lessons. It is quite difficult for young professionals to maintain discipline in the classroom, to maintain interest in learning new things. Teachers get lost in the variety of methods and techniques and spend precious time acquiring their own experience. These exercises can be placed on the teacher's desk as a hint. The teacher will be able to quickly navigate and use a suitable exercise routine to relieve fatigue, relieve stress and attract attention.
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