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[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 24.05.2017
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Mikhail V. Shilimov , candidate of engineering sciences
Lada Y. Ulyanina
Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University , Москва г

«Container transport»

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The researchers of the article discuss basic information on the TRANS-Siberian railway, variety of containers and their main advantages and disadvantages.

Publication date: 25.05.2017
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Aleksey A. Ilyuhin , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл

«Financial stability and investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region»

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The article investigates the issues of financial stability and investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region, based on the qualitative statistical analysis of accounts payable. The author has analyzed the structure of lending to industrial enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region and presented conclusions on the composition of accounts payable and forecasts of lending processes development of the industrial enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region.

Publication date: 25.05.2017
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Svetlana V. Ilyuhina , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл

«Features of agricultural lending in the Sverdlovsk region»

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This paper justifies balanced policy of rural development through loan support programs for agricultural producers. The authors have analyzed the data on profit, loans and credits of 74 agricultural enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region and provided an obtained information in the article. They also have justified the state support of agricultural loans and balanced development of the village.

Publication date: 24.05.2017
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Aleksandr E. Senko
FSAEI of HE "Far Eastern Federal University" , Приморский край

«The improvement of approaches to assessment of the financial condition of economic entities»

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According to the author, the lack of unified approaches to the calculation of financial indicators, the multiple interpretations of their meanings ​​and the imperfection of information support of financial analysis hamper the effectiveness of economic entities operating under market principles. The existing approach to determining the financial condition of an enterprise does not always give the required qualitative result of an evaluation of its financial and economic activities. While analyzing the financial status of economic entities, it would be useful to take into account their industry particularities, size and organizational structure, development strategy and competitiveness in the market for goods and services.