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Publication date: 20.06.2023
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Zumrud R. Gurbanova , doctor of chemical sciences
Sabina Bairamova
Irada Farzalieva
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University , Azerbaijan

«Study of the purchase of dye composite materials based on inorganic and organic raw materials»

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The article states that one of the biggest problems of modern agriculture is to prevent the irreversible loss of fertile land on earth and to provide agriculture with new land. In this regard, it has become an urgent problem to use natural resources efficiently and restore damaged lands with various means and methods. In the studies conducted to solve the problem, the process of obtaining composite materials with fertilizer-ameliorant properties, which is of particular importance in increasing soil productivity and plant height, using inorganic and organic raw materials, was studied. It has been established that only applying fertilizers to ecologically damaged soils does not give positive results, because the structure and physical-chemical properties of the soils are damaged, and complex measures must be taken to restore them. The more intensive feeding of the plant with phosphorus with the participation of the magnesium element leads to the formation of water-resistant aggregates, which, as a result, percolation and infiltration decrease, and the amount of available phosphorus in the soil increases.