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Естественные науки

Publication date: 20.06.2024
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Anatolii F. Trutnev , candidate of agricultural sciences
net , Самарская обл

«The Mysteries of Antigravity»

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The proposed article is a study of the problem of the equilibrium of the forces of attraction and repulsion, the dominant basis of all physical processes of the universe. The research was carried out using a model of the interaction of matter with space. As a result of their implementation, logically justified explanations of the equilibrium of attraction and repulsion of electric charges are given on the example of the hydrogen atom. logically justified answers of the hydrogen atom and stable stability are given. The mechanism of stable stability of the position in the orbit of the planet Earth during its orbit around the Sun is presented in a new way. The reasons for slowing down the speed of spacecraft when they leave the solar system are revealed.