Lukyianchikov Viktor Nikolaevich

Place of work

SFI of SO "Municipal hospital No7"

Author's articles(2)

The efficiency of biomechanical stimulation in the combination treatment of lower extremity vein chronic illness

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проведен анализ эффективности применения биомеханической стимуляции нижних конечностей у пациентов с хроническими заболеваниями вен С4-С6 клинического класса. Биомеханическая стимуляция является эффективным методом медицинской реабилитации пациентов с хроническими заболеваниями вен нижних конечностей за счет активизации компенсаторных механизмов в мышечной, сосудистой и костно-суставной системах нижних конечностей.

Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of trophic venous ulcers

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this article describes the analysis of results of treatment of 126 patients with trophic ulcers of the lower extremity venous etiology. Photodynamic therapy was used in the I group patients (n = 77). The standard treatment was performed in the II group (n = 49). The authors showed that the use of photodynamic therapy helped to reduce preoperative period 3 times and to make autodermaplasty of trophic ulcers in the I group on 5,2 ± 0,4 days. Full autodermotransplantata engraftment was observed in the I group in 75,4% of patients and in the II group – 46,8%. Photodynamic therapy has a strong anti...