Zharaspaev Madiyar Aspandiyarovich

Author's articles(2)

The results of experimental-industrial works on the redevelopment at the Zhaman-Aibat field (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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this article describes the features of the transition to the redevelopment of the Zhaman-Aibat field. The author presents the results of experimental-industrial works for the redevelopment of the field, shows the various schemes of interchamber and barrier pillars, adopted in the experimental-industrial development. The conclusions are the following: there is a need for further survey work, using computer modeling, to determine the optimal options for redevelopment.

Experience of panel-and-pillar development system application at the Zhaman-Aibat field (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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the article summarizes the experience of previously adopted and applied parameters of the settings panel-and-pillar development system at the Zhaman-Aibat field. It shows the results of the analysis of geomechanical monitoring of structural elements of panel-and-pillar development system at the field during 2008–2010. The dependence of rock spalling from the roof has been withdrawn. The graphs on the fact of destruction of the pillars have been shown. The author concluded that there is a need to continue the research works in this direction.