Androsov Andrey Anatolievich

Place of work

ANO of PE “College of Economics, Insurance and Information Technology”
candidate of historical sciences

Author's articles(2)

Historical stages of «Masonic conspiracy» formation in Russia, second half of the XVIII century – early XX centuries

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the author typologizes historiographical works on the history of Freemasonry, which studies the problems of version formation of «Masonic conspiracy» in Russia. The article shows the cultural and historical specificity of «Masonic conspiracy» in European and Russian policy, ztructures chronology of activities of Masonic organizations aimed at the formation of a political conspiracy against the Russian Orthodox monarchy. The author investigates the activities of prominent representatives of Russian culture and the Russian government, the participants of Masonic organizations and issue of taking...

Political goals during liquidation of masonic organizations by Joint State Political Directorate – People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in USSR in the 1920s–1930s

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this research is dedicated to the political specificity of elimination of «masonic underground organization» by soviet special forces in USSR. The issue of relations between communist movements with political masonry was also considered in the article. It appears that in the beginning of 1920s «freemasons» planned prospects in cooperation with Bolsheviks, while having hidden goal to «cover» Soviet government with masonic ideas. Masons of 1920s were quite satisfied with Bolshevism as a weapon to eradicate Russian national self-awareness and its Orthodox religion. Liquidation process of masonic...