Kozlov Pavel Sergeevich

Author's articles(2)

Правовое регулирование использования валежника гражданами, проживающими в сельских поселениях

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This article reveals the concept of deadwood and a proposal for its use at the legislative level, in order to provide citizens with additional forest resources in the heating season and as a means for the prevention of forests from fires and pests.

Осуществление рекреационной деятельности в сельских поселениях как средство обеспечения рабочими местами их жителей. Повышение качества жизни в деревнях и селах. Субсидирование предлагаемых рекреационных проектов государством

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In this article, the proposed option for improving the quality of life of the rural population in particular entrepreneurs and also improve infrastructure in the villages by means of the organization of recreational activities. Taking into account the subsidy of such activities by the state.