Polovnikova Marina Iurevna

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "Vyatka State University"
candidate of historical sciences

Author's articles(3)

Императорское Православное Палестинское общество в конце XIX – начале XX вв.: историография вопроса

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At this article the author discusses the historiography of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society, founded in 1882. Discusses books and articles, illuminating the theological and religious aspects of the presence of the Russian Empire in the Holy Land. Analyzed books and articles, which considers the history of creation and main directions of activities of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine society at the end of the XIX – early XX century.

Императорская семья Романовых и образование Императорского Православого Палестинского общества (конец XIX в.)

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The article considers the contribution of the Romanov’s family to the creation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society. Pilgrimage trips to the Holy Land, which were carried out by representatives of the Romanov’s family, were associated with tribute to the memory of deceased relatives. This was the occasion to provide a patronage in the activities of society in Palestine and the Russian Empire.

Создание религиозных организаций в Вятской губернии во второй половине XIX – начале XX в.

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In the article on the basis of archive materials and sources is examined the activity of the religious-political and missionary organizations of the second-half of XIX century. A special attention in the article is paid to the special features of the work of religious-missionary organizations in the Vyatka’s province.