Nabieva Fatmakhanum Khalid kyzy

Place of work

Institut bioresursov Nakhchyvanskogo otdeleniia NAN Azerbaidzhana
candidate of agricultural sciences

Author's articles(1)

New species of birch and a new location of Betula pendula on the territory of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic

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for the first time the authors have revealed a cultural species Betula raddeana Trautv. of the genus Betula L. (Betulaceae Dumort.), for the flora of the Nakhchivan AR collected 02.12.2018 in the city of Nakhchivan. New locations of Betula pendula Roth. were also revealed Ordubad district – Paragachay, Agdara, between the villages of Mazra and Urmys, in the vicinity of the settlements of Bilav, Paraga and Bilav-Tivi 1600–2600 m above sea level. The birch species are of national economic and medical importance.