Kotelev Stanislav Garrievich

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "State University of Management"

Author's articles(2)

Otsenka effektivnosti logisticheskoi sistemy predpriiatiia

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в статье рассматриваются некоторые из методов оценки эффективности логистической системы предприятия. Оценка эффективности логистической системы предприятия рассматривается как средство контроля ее деятельности и реагирования на изменяющиеся условия. Приводятся основные показатели эффективности логистической системы предприятия и способы их расчета.

Features of international road transport of goods at the present stage

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the article examines the current state of the international road transport market and its features in the Russian Federation. The concept of international road transport of goods is given and their main advantages before choosing other modes of transport are listed. The main problems of international road transport of goods at the present stage are analyzed and possible ways of their solution are given. In particular, the functional-informational model of the international trading company and its advantages are considered.