Abzaidova Nuriana Vagidovna

Place of work

FSFEI of HE “Dagestan State Technical University”
postgraduate student

Author's articles(1)

The image of the Benefactor in the dystopian novel «We» of E. Zamyatin

1 2 3 4 5


the article is devoted to some features of the function and construction of the image of the Benefactor in the Zamyatin novel. One of the central philosophical problems of the novel – the problem of freedom and happiness – is considered. Through the implementation of this problem the image of the Benefactor, who has a long literary, philosophical and religious tradition, appears in the work. It is in the monologue of the Benefactor that the ancient antinomy freedom – happiness is voiced. And although in the novel we observe the victory of the rational United State over the soul, but we clearly...