List of publications on a keyword: «бакалавр-экономист»

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 13.10.2016
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Tatyana S. Shipunova
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«The development of discourse competence of bachelors in economics»

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In this article the author shares pedagogical experience of formation discursive competence of students of the faculty "Management" during the sequential action of two corresponding federal state educational standards of bachelor level, which resulted in problems of scientific research. On a theoretical level, it provides a comparative analysis of the scientific literature and regulations dealing with the formation of discursive competence of students-managers. At the empirical level, it used methods of observation and generalization of pedagogical experience. Conclusions at the end of the work can be taken into account when training and for further research.