List of publications on a keyword: «Болливуд»

Тема номера

Publication date: 02.10.2020
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Koshila Suriyarathna Malij Gedara , master's student
PEI of HE “Baltic academy of tourism and entrepreneurship” , Санкт-Петербург г

«Bollywood Film Industry as a Significant Factor in India’s Economy»

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The article examines the Bollywood film industry as the main film industry in India. Its key role that contributes to the development of economy is analyzed. As a well-known component in global market the Bollywood industry has developed its own areas of production, financing, and distribution. Being the world’s leading film industry Bollywood is competing with other giants in the competitive market like Hollywood, Chinese and Japanese film industry. Therefore it’s worth studying Bollywood as an economical component comparing it with Hollywood as the biggest film industry in the world as well as considering the India’s economy features.

Лингвистические аспекты традиционных культур

Publication date: 30.03.2017
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Maria A. Odinokaya , candidate of pedagogic sciences
High School of Foreign Languages of Humanities Institute FSAEI of HE “Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University” , Санкт-Петербург г
Aleksey N. Pyatnitsky , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSAEI of HE "St.Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great" , Санкт-Петербург г

«English in India: history and current problems»

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В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы Хинглиша на фоне его истории. Приведены примеры употребления Хинглиша. Его отличительные черты – это произношение, пренебрежение правилами грамматики, обилие сленговой речи. Отмечена роль болливудских фильмов, оказавших влияние на Хинглиш.