List of publications on a keyword: «учет энергоресурсов»

Технические науки

Publication date: 04.06.2024
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Andrei A. Kelas'ev
FGBOU VO "Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Пензенская обл

«Integration and Optimization of Heterogeneous Energy Resource Accounting Systems in Multi-Storey Buildings: Benefits and Challenges»

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The article discusses the main aspects of integrating and optimizing heterogeneous energy resource accounting systems in multi-storey buildings. It describes benefits such as improved data accuracy and reduced operational costs, as well as challenges related to technical complexity and the need for standardization. Special attention is given to the analysis of methods for integrating various types of measuring instruments and software, which improves energy consumption management and ensures reliable data collection. Examples of successful implementations in various residential complexes are provided, illustrating real-world results and the economic efficiency of such approaches. The main technical and organizational challenges, including compatibility issues, data security problems, and the need to adapt existing systems, are also discussed. Recommendations for further development in this area are proposed, aimed at overcoming existing barriers and enhancing the interaction between different components of the energy resource accounting system.

Publication date: 04.06.2024
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Andrei A. Kelas'ev
FGBOU VO "Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnologicheskii universitet" , Пензенская обл

«Modern Technologies and Approaches to Optimizing Heterogeneous Energy Resource Accounting Systems in Residential Complexes»

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The article discusses modern technologies and approaches to the integration and optimization of heterogeneous energy resource accounting systems in residential complexes. It describes benefits such as improved data accuracy and reduced operational costs, as well as challenges related to technical complexity and the need for standardization. Special attention is given to the analysis of methods for integrating various types of measuring instruments and software, which improves energy consumption management and ensures reliable data collection. Examples of successful implementations in various residential complexes are provided, illustrating real-world results and the economic efficiency of such approaches. The main technical and organizational challenges, including compatibility issues, data security problems, and the need to adapt existing systems, are also discussed. Recommendations for further development in this area are proposed, aimed at overcoming existing barriers and enhancing the interaction between different components of the energy resource accounting system.

Технические науки (электромеханика, приборостроение, машиностроение, металлургия и др.)

Publication date: 18.11.2015
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Aleksei A. Kubaevskii
Svetlana E. Mikhailova
Ekaterina A. Mukhamedrakhimova
Andrei V. Tochilkin
FSSFEI of HE "South Ural State University" (NRU) , Челябинская обл

«Применение АСКУЭ как современного способа учета и анализа энергоресурсов»

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В данной статье рассмотрена такая система, как АСКУЭ, ее составляющие, преимущества и цели внедрения, описание ее работы. Авторами также проведен информационный обзор некоторых популярных систем на технологическом рынке АСКУЭ.