List of publications on a keyword: «mental health»


Publication date: 15.01.2021
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Violetta S. Garbuzova , student
Olga V. Belous , candidate of psychological sciences , associate professor
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край

«Psychological Health»

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The article highlights the foundations of the psychological health of a person. The genesis of human psychological health in the process of ontogenesis is considered.

Publication date: 22.07.2016
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Marem T. Ahilgova
Филиал ФГБОУ ВО «Ингушский государственный университет» в г. Магасе , Ингушетия Респ

«The problem of psychosomatic health of internally displaced»

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This article describes the psychological features of adaptation of the internally displaced in post-conflict situations, as well as the main characteristics of the psychosomatic state in the period of adaptation to the prevailing conditions.

Publication date: 23.01.2016
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Elena V. Chernaia
Iuzhno-Sakhalinskii pedagogicheskii kolledzh FGBOU VO "Sakhalinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Сахалинская обл

«Психогигиена как фактор профилактики синдрома эмоционального выгорания у специалистов по социальной работе»

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The article discusses the role of mental health in maintaining mental health professionals one of the helping professions - social work. The author focuses on the relationship between mental health and burnout, leading to the emergence of professional deformations.

Психолого-педагогические аспекты воспитания и обучения

Publication date: 12.10.2015
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Mariia S. Meleshkina
Evgeniia M. Kachalai
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of FSBEI of HPE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Влияние школьной среды и воспитания в семье на формирование здоровья речевой, зрительной и слуховой систем ребенка»

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Sdow this article considers the problem of forming healthy way of life. Analyzes the characteristics of children's health in Russia. Revealed and substantiated the necessity of the joint (school, family) of the formation of the orientation of children to a healthy lifestyle and the importance of preventive measures.