List of publications on a keyword: «социальная несправедливость»

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Publication date: 06.03.2023
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Abobakr Mokhamed Abbakar Khussein , doctoral candidate
FSBEI of HE "Bauman Moscow State Technical University" , Москва г

«Disparities in Access to Higher Education: A Whitepaper to Favor the Economically Disadvantaged and Socially Marginalized in Sudan»

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Alongside its social and cultural role, higher education is, and will continue to be, central to Sudan's performance in the twenty first century. It is the key mechanism through which knowledge is generated, preserved and passed on. Since higher skills significantly influence life chances and earning potential, wider and fairer access to higher education is a question of basic social justice. To succeed in widening access to poorer students over the coming years. It is in the interests of the society that there are no caps on talent in Sudan'. Fairer access to university for the educationally disadvantaged but able sudanese pupils has to remain a key concern. In this paper we set out our strategy for sustaining a quota system for higher education to help rectify the damaged social fabric in wor-torn areas of Sudan by temporarily constitutionalizing positive discrimination in education.

Философия (этика, эстетика, религиоведение, философия культуры, философии науки и др)

Publication date: 04.01.2016
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Tatyana A. Yavkina , candidate of philosophical sciences
Ekaterina I. Kotlova
FGBOU VO "Mordovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.P. Ogareva" , Мордовия Респ

«Этико-философские воззрения Г. Сковороды»

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Данная статья посвящена творчеству величайшего русского философа Григория Сковороды. Среди его работ – диалоги, басни – произведения, основная мысль которых связана с вопросами этико-философского и религиозного содержания. В работе в контексте христианского вероучения Г. Сковороды исследуются проблемы счастья и его обретения человеком, необходимости труда и принесения общественной пользы, реализации природных склонностей и развития свойственных каждой личности способностей, а также вопросы любви, отношения человека и бога, определения сущности бога.