List of publications on a keyword: «микрососудистые нарушения»


Publication date: 19.07.2017
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Aleksandr I. Tyukavin , doctor of medical sciences, professor
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health , Санкт-Петербург г

«The main aspects of local pathogenetic disorders caused by skin burns»

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Microvascular disorders constitute one of the important mechanisms in the pathophysiology of burns. In case of thermal skin burns, especially dermal burns (IIIA degree), it is important to pay attention to the prevalence and the severity of the inflammatory reaction in the wound that may affect the viability of survived sebaceous and sweat glands, their epithelial cells can serve as a substrate for self-epithelialization of the skin. Local microvascular abnormalities in the damaged dermis are due to changes in the walls of blood vessels and the structure of the cellular elements of the blood, which form a clear correlation with secondary damage to the dermis.