List of publications on a keyword: «dynamics of consequences»

География и геология

Publication date: 28.10.2019
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Valentina N. Burova , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences , leading researcher
FSBIS Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS , Москва г

«Main Approaches to Damage Assesment from Hazardous Processes (On the Example of the Central Federal District)»

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This article discusses the manifestation of dangerous hydrometeorological processes in the Central Federal district. The analysis of manifestation dynamics of these dangers is carried out. The dependences of the hazardous processes cases number in general and by categories of on the temperature regime consequences are considered in the article. It was found out that within areas where average annual temperature exceeds annual temperature in the Central Federal district the number of hurricanes and heavy rains exceeds the average value, and the number of cases leading to negative consequences associated with blizzards and snowfall well below their average long-term manifestations, but the number of floods above their average values. The algorithm of calculation of forecast economic damages from manifestation of hydrometeorological dangers is offered.