List of publications on a keyword: «karate kyokushinkai»
Формирование ценности здоровья и здорового образа жизни
Publication date: 17.12.2020
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GBOU "Gimnaziia 116" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Kata as a means of education of physical and aesthetic qualities of students: on the example of implementation of work within the system of additional education»
Компетентностный подход к организации учебно-воспитательного процесса в общеобразовательном учреждении
Publication date: 17.12.2020
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GBOU "Gimnaziia 116" , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergei B. Petrygin , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Ryazan State University named after S.A. Esenin" , Рязанская обл
«Special physical training of athletes in the specialty Kyokushin kata within the framework of the program of additional education»
The implementation of additional education as sports training requires a special approach to students. It is necessary to take into account the level of basic training of students that differs from sports schools. The article develops a step-by-step plan for mastering the technical training of Kyokushin karate for the system of additional education.