List of publications on a keyword: «youthful hockey»

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 24.05.2016
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Anastasiia V. Kutasova
Elena L. Grigoreva
FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University" , Нижегородская обл

«Методика подготовки юных хоккеистов 2-го года обучения»

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Article is devoted to research of educational and training process of hockey players at a stage of initial sports specialization, and to search of effective ways of training of the special power and high-speed and power qualities aimed at the development. Need of use of the developed means and methods of high-speed and power training of hockey players for improvement of quality of educational and training process and competitive activity is revealed and proved.