List of publications on a keyword: «coaching»


Publication date: 07.05.2018
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Nikolai S. Smirnov , master of psychological sciences , студент
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Social University" , Москва г

«Emotional intelligence in coaching»

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In this article, the relevance of emotional intelligence in coaching is considered. The article differentiates with the basic theoretical point of view and practical application in business.


Publication date: 21.09.2016
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Sergei A. Belokurenko , candidate of engineering sciences
Natalia D. Dorokhova , candidate of veterinary medicine
Janna V. Medvedeva , candidate of agricultural sciences
Luybov V. Kobtseva , candidate of agricultural sciences
FSBEI of HE "Altai State Agrarian university" , Алтайский край

«Efficiency improving of safety briefings»

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One of the most effective ways of preventing injuries in manufacturing is safe methods of production training that secures the old and the acquisition of new knowledges, skills improvement and safety skills. According to general theory of сontrol,main links ensuring the effective functioning of systems are control connections. In considered production pedagogical system these relations are manifested in leadership activity of instructor for organization and management of training activities. In order to achieve the desired learning outcome communication defining the interaction between subject and object and wearing control character must be determining issues.