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Development of fine motor skills through non-traditional painting technique among children with speech impairments.

VII International Research-to-practice Conference «Educational environment today: development strategy»
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Published in:
VII International Research-to-practice Conference «Educational environment today: development strategy»
Pogorelskaya I.Yu. 1
Work direction:
Организация воспитательно-образовательного процесса в ДОУ
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 FBEI "K/g №93 of a compound type"
For citation:
Pogorelskaya I. Y. (2016). Development of fine motor skills through non-traditional painting technique among children with speech impairments. Educational environment today: development strategy, 87-89. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.

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The article deals with the principles and contents of motor development among preschool children by means of the design and implementation of activities with non-traditional painting techniques. The article describes the role and importance of the process of drawing, not only dealing with the problems of speech therapy, but also in the creative thinking development of pupils, presents the main patterns of holding the lessons.


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  8. 8. Кудейко М.В. Необычные способы рисования. – Мозырь: Содействие, 2007.
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  10. 10. Казакова Р.Г. Рисование с детьми дошкольного возраста: нетрадиционные техники рисования. – М.: ТЦ Сфера, 2006.
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