Study of depressive disorder in cancer patients at oncology center, Thai nguyen national hospital, Vietnam, in 2016

- Published in:
- II International applied research conference «Scientific studies: theory, methodology and practice»
- Authors:
- Nguen K. 1 , Dang X.G. 2
- Work direction:
- Медицинские науки
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1629
- Published in:
1 Национальная больница Тхайнгуен
2 Vietnam Trade Union University
2 Vietnam Trade Union University
For citation:
Nguen K., & Dang X. G. (2017). Study of depressive disorder in cancer patients at oncology center, Thai nguyen national hospital, Vietnam, in 2016. Scientific studies: theory, methodology and practice, 34-43. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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Depression in an article is concerning in cancer patients, It makes the clinical picture of the cancer patients more complex, more difficult to be treated and it increases the risk of death, However, In conclusion, the rate of depression in cancer patients was 70%, There was an association between moderate depression and gender, between mild depression and cancer stage, between severe depression and difficulty in paying hospital fee, In addition, patients have a lot of desires in order to improve the quality of treatment at the hospital.
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