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Cryptocurrency as an alternative investment tool

Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-496802
Open Access
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Published in:
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Siniavskii N. N. 1
Scientific adviser:
Karataeva G. E.1
Work direction:
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 Surgut State University
For citation:
Siniavskii N. N. (2019). Cryptocurrency as an alternative investment tool. Interactive science, 56-58. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-496802

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UDC 33


This article is devoted to the analyses of cryptocurrency investments return. The main purpose of the report is to compare profitability of a cryptocurrency portfolio and an investment portfolio. The report gives the detailed description to the investing. It outlines the essence of cryptocurrency. The report includes the possible definitions of the digital economy. By analyzing the return rates of equity investment and cryptocurrency investment, we define the investing benefits of it.


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