Assessment of Quality of Sapropel Deposits of Lake Kubalah in Central Yakutia
Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-508675
Open Access

- Published in:
- Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
- Authors:
- Gerasimova L.V. 1 , Ivanov K.P. 1
- Work direction:
- Экология
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1810
- Published in:
1 The Institute of Experimental Sciences FSAEI of HE «M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University»
For citation:
Gerasimova L. V., & Ivanov K. P. (2019). Assessment of Quality of Sapropel Deposits of Lake Kubalah in Central Yakutia. Interactive science, 55-58.
- Full text
- Metrics
UDC 574.5
DOI: 10.21661/r-508675
The paper presents the content analysis of macro- and micro-elements in the sapropel deposits of Lake Kubalah, which will allow us to evaluate the quality of sapropel and its utilization efficiency as a valuable organo-mineral material. The authors of the article define relevance and novelty of the paper. The detailed analysis of sapropel deposits of Lake Kubalah, situated in terrace above the flood-plain of (Magan) flat cryolitic zone of Central Yakutia.
- 1. Ivanov, K. P., Sleptsov, M. V., & Gerasimova, L. V. Sapropelevye otlozheniia ozer Iakutii i vozmozhnosti ikh ispol'zovaniia kak tsennoe syr'e., 360.
- 2. Ivanov, K. P., Sleptsova, M. V., & Gerasimova, L. V. Soderzhanie fosfora v sapropelevykh otlozheniiakh ozer Tsentral'noi Iakutii., 457.
- 3. Trofimova, T. P., & Zhirkov, K. I. Geologicheskoe izuchenie mestorozhdeniia sapropelia na uchastke nedr "ozero Kubalakh" (38 km avtodorogi "Viliui") na territorii gorodskogo okruga "gorod Iakutsk"., 210.