Azerbaijan Digital Hub: Strategy in Action
Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-561238
Open Access

- Published in:
- Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
- Author:
- Gasymly V. 1
- Work direction:
- Экономика
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 513
- Published in:
1 Tsentr analiza ekonomicheskikh reform i kommunikatsii Azerbaidzhana
For citation:
Gasymly V. (2023). Azerbaijan Digital Hub: Strategy in Action. Interactive science, 88-95.
- Full text
- Metrics
UDC 031; 032
DOI: 10.21661/r-561238
The article explores the digital transformation landscape under pandemic and post-pandemic conditions. As global internet traffic continues to surge, nations worldwide are prioritizing digital strategies to keep pace with this rapid transformation. Azerbaijan, an oil-rich country seeking economic diversification, has taken a strategic approach to become a key player in the digital landscape.
Neqsol Holding, utilizing its capital from the oil and gas industry, initiated the Azerbaijan Digital Hub, a comprehensive program comprising the Digital Silk Road, a Regional Data Center, an Internet Exchange Point, and the development of a digital ecosystem. The hub aims to reshape the internet map along the Silk Way and thrive amidst disruptive changes through three consecutive stages: ideation, incubation, and scaling.
The article highlights the strategic choices made by Azerbaijan in establishing the Digital Hub and its potential impact on the nation's economy. It presents the shift from the «Castles» quadrant to the «Connectors» quadrant, adopting new power models and values for sustainable growth. The dynamic capabilities of the Digital Hub are explored, emphasizing its transformative nature and adaptability to rapid technological advancements.
In conclusion, the article suggests that the success of the Azerbaijan Digital Hub depends on effective management of continuous change, fostering a culture of innovation, and leveraging strategic advantages through mergers, alliances, and investments. By navigating a complex and uncertain environment, the Digital Hub can solidify its position as a crucial player in the digital era.
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