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Philosophy in existential psychotherapy

Review Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-561850
Open Access
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Published in:
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Monakhova V. V. 1 , Monakhova V. V. 2
Work direction:
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 GAUZ AO "Ivanovskaia bol'nitsa"
2 FGBOU VO "Amurskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii
For citation:
Monakhova V. V., & Monakhova V. V. (2024). Philosophy in existential psychotherapy. Interactive science, 7-10. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-561850

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UDC 616.899


Today, in the modern world, against the background of lack of stability and confidence in the future, increased natural and man-made disasters, lack of mutual understanding in international relations, demand for the services of practicing psychologists and psychotherapists is gaining momentum. As the authors claim, it is safe to say that the current century is the age of psychotherapy, the demand for which is increasing every day. The article declares that, despite the available knowledge of psychotherapists in many areas of psychotherapy, each specialist chooses for himself a more characteristic and effective method of working with clients. I use a comprehensive approach to therapy depending on the request generated by the client. One of the proven methods today is existential.


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  6. 6. Роджерс К. Консультирование и психотерапия / К. Роджерс. – М., Эксмо-Пресс, 2000.
  7. 7. Франкл В.Э. Психотерапия на практике / В.Э. Франкл. – СПб.: Речь, 2000.
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