Kaptilnyy Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

Author's articles(2)

Formation of the pathology of fetoplacental complex in pregnant women with asymptomatic infection of the lower urinary tract



in this study we carried out screening of pregnant women to detect urinary tract infections. We analysed the period of pregnancy and its termination in the presence of asymptomatic bacteria, made morphological analysis of placenta and fetal membranes. It was found out that when pregnant women have untreated and recurrent bacteriuria, the number of complications during pregnancy and its termination increases, and the state of fetoplacental complex deteriorates. Focal leukocyte horionamnionitis develops, it couples with preterm rupture of membranes, morphological and functional immaturity, vesic...

Violation utero-placental perfusion as predictors of infectious complications of pregnancy



the article presents the results of long-term prospective clinical research on uteroplacental and fetal blood flow of pregnant women. In the research they made a special in-depth analysis of single disturbance of blood flow in uterine artery basin according to Doppler measure data after 18-week gestation. They connect uteroplacental perfusion disturbance with chronic infection nidi (focus) of different location in the organism of pregnant woman. They made comparative analysis of correcting therapy, when there is an uteroplacental perfusion disturbance, including detection and elimination of pe...