List of publications on a keyword: «допплерометрия»


Publication date: 17.03.2016
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Vitaliy A. Kaptilnyy , candidate of medical sciences
Manana V. Berishvili , candidate of medical sciences
Ilya M. Krasilshchikov
SBEI of HPE "I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University" of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation , Москва г

«Violation utero-placental perfusion as predictors of infectious complications of pregnancy»

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The article presents the results of long-term prospective clinical research on uteroplacental and fetal blood flow of pregnant women. In the research they made a special in-depth analysis of single disturbance of blood flow in uterine artery basin according to Doppler measure data after 18-week gestation. They connect uteroplacental perfusion disturbance with chronic infection nidi (focus) of different location in the organism of pregnant woman. They made comparative analysis of correcting therapy, when there is an uteroplacental perfusion disturbance, including detection and elimination of persistent infection nidi (asymptomatic forms as well), and also application of medicaments that influence vascular tone and rheological properties of blood. They showed efficiency of Diripidamol when used for idiopathic disturbances of uteroplacental perfusion.