Kulikov Nikita Anatolievich

Place of work

PEIOHE “Sochi Institute of Fashion Business and Law”
candidate of historical sciences

Author's articles(2)

Federalization as a way of settling separatist tendencies (on the example of Belgium)

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The article analyzes federalization as a logical way to solve the latent conflict between Walloons and Flemings, since decentralized national democratic states are the reality of the modern West European political system. The author believes that the persistence of rigid forms in the states covered by secession and the forceful suppression of ethno-separatism, without granting extended autonomy, does not lead to a peaceful resolution of conflict situations

Referendum in Scotland in 2014: history and implications

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the article is devoted to the analysis of the referendum in Scotland in 2014 as a peaceful way of people's self-determination of this historical part of the United Kingdom. The author believes that the referendum is able to resolve the issue of sovereignty, and to prevent secession only if it is conducted legally and with the approval of the central authorities of states that are under the burden of separatism.