Savina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Place of work

FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Author's articles(4)

The usage of blockchain in business

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today, the topic of blockchain is at the peak of fashion. Any project causes increased interest if it is «on the blockchain», any newspaper article attracts additional attention if it mentions this technology. But many people do not fully understand what this technology is, how it works and where it can be used. In this article, we want to speculate about how blockchain can be used in business and show why this technology can really change our future for the better.

Peculiarities of usage distributed ledger technology in Russia

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the article is devoted to the study of the blockchain economy in the modern world, in particular their features of use. The study is based on statistical data from all over the world, and data on Russia are considered separately. The conclusions made in this paper, which reflect the General laws of the functioning of the blockchain, can find practical application in solving the problems of network effects in some sectors of the economy.