Chertkov Pavel Vladimirovich

Place of work

Filial FGBOU VO "Kubanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" v g. Novorossiiske
candidate of geographic sciences

Author's articles(1)

Conditions for the Formation of the Position of Primary School Children in the System of Patriotic Education

1 2 3 4 5


the article deals with the problem of forming the position of primary school children in the system of patriotic education. The issue of patriotic education is currently one of the central ones, it is becoming extremely relevant. The organization of the process of patriotic education of students occupies a leading place in modern pedagogical research. The task of modern school teachers is to educate children in the independence of decisions made, purposefulness in actions and deeds, the development of their ability to self-education and self-regulation of relationships. The article contains a...