List of publications on a keyword: «economic relations»

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 02.03.2018
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The influence of morality on the effectiveness of economic laws»

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The article considers the influence of morality on the effectiveness of economic laws. The thesis of "world unification" based on Western values forms the basis of a deeply racist ideology of Eurocentrism, devoid of scientific content. Western civilization is committed to the expansion and domination, and all of its ideological systems serve the expansionist aims. Science in this case disappears as a philosophical science of the laws of the country, becoming obsequious servant of the latter-day "masters of the world." In today's world there are two opposite groups of principles that drive the economy and the economy of different countries. Those are the principles of liberalism and principles of traditionalism.

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 27.09.2017
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Салам Алнессер , Магистр
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg Mining University" , Санкт-Петербург г


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The article analyzes the situation in the Syrian economy, on the basis of which key problems are identified: GDP fall, inflation, decline in household incomes, imbalance in foreign economic activity with a predominance of imports. It is justified that in order to increase the efficiency of the national economy in Syria, it is necessary not only to carry out economic reforms but ensure the preservation of the existing foreign economic relations.

История и политология

Publication date: 24.11.2016
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Elena V. Pishchugina
MEI "GES №5 of Mayskiy" , Кабардино-Балкарская Респ

«Крепость Моздок как начальная точка процесса интеграции Кабарды в состав России»

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This article discusses the construction of the fortress of Mozdok, along with the strengthening of Pro-Russian orientation in the region. The beginning of the process of integration of Kabarda to Russia, through the strengthening of trade-economic relations, Christianization of immigrants. Also discusses the causes of conflict factors in the relations between the Kabardian princes and Russian governments associated with the construction of the fortress.