List of publications on a keyword: «gravity»
Естественные науки

net , Самарская обл
«The Mysteries of Antigravity»

The proposed article is a study of the problem of the equilibrium of the forces of attraction and repulsion, the dominant basis of all physical processes of the universe. The research was carried out using a model of the interaction of matter with space. As a result of their implementation, logically justified explanations of the equilibrium of attraction and repulsion of electric charges are given on the example of the hydrogen atom. logically justified answers of the hydrogen atom and stable stability are given. The mechanism of stable stability of the position in the orbit of the planet Earth during its orbit around the Sun is presented in a new way. The reasons for slowing down the speed of spacecraft when they leave the solar system are revealed.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Sun Energy Is Electric, Neutron Stars Do Not Exist»

Existing Astronomy stands on two completely false postulates: the first postulate is that the rotation of celestial bodies around their own axis occurs by inertia. The second postulate is that the Sun and the stars have Fusion Energy. In the article, using the formulations of discoveries with brief proofs, we consistently destroy these imaginary postulates and the consequences of these postulates. For example, if there is no thermonuclear reaction in the stars. This means that nothing burns out inside the star, and there is no reason and possibility for collapse, and there can be no consequences from collapse. And we offer new real foundations, alternative Energy. Based on the new established facts, it becomes clear in which cases celestial bodies do not rotate, and in which cases they rotate around their axis. In reality, only those bodies that have satellites rotate intensively around their axis. And these bodies, which have satellites, also have other important properties.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Universal Gravitation Does Not Exist»

In this article, the impossibility of universal gravitation is postulated, and the existence of ‘mutual local gravity’ between two celestial bodies is suggested. It is implied that gravity can only be present between two individual celestial bodies. Furthermore, the concepts of ‘moving mutual local gravity’ and ‘retaining mutual local gravity’ are introduced.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«The Meaning of Making Discoveries in Russia»

The article presents some thoughts on making discoveries in present-day Russia. The paper demonstrates how difficult it is for a new and sensible view on the nature of certain matters to reach its audience. In Russia, one must exert oneself to make an impact. The authors argue that a large number of competent ideas and evidence are ignored by the public.
Технические науки

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Global Warming: The Bottom View»

In this paper, the authors theorize that all planets rotate about their axis due to their satellites. The planet and its satellite are interconnected by a shared gravity, which moves along the surface of the planet as the result of the satellite moving in an orbit. The discussed movement of gravity applies to all planets and the Sun. The shared gravity is at its maximum on the Earth and Sun surface. Based on this theory, the paper discusses causes for global warming. The hypothesis of the Earth’s crust being a cause for global warming is analyzed. In addition, an analysis of Friedmann’s theory in terms of possible galactic velocities is presented in the article.
Медицинские науки

Mariia G. Maslova
Natalia V. Liulina
School of Economics and Commerce of FSAEI of HPE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край
«Особенности занятий AntiGravity»
Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Исследование взаимосвязи вертикальной составляющей ускорения движения туловища и дыхания человека»

In this paper the aim of the study is to determine the mechanism of involuntary acts of inhalation and exhalation in the subjects in the absence of their own efforts to create an acceleration of the torso. These accelerations created by swinging the experimenter subjects at different seesaw. The acceleration of the body, after proper calibration, measured in units of acceleration of gravity (g). The pneumogram of breathing test recorded Spirograph SMP – 21/01 – «P-D», two-axis accelerometer sensor DE-ACCM6G fastened on the belt. Synchronous data transfer to a computer with a digital multi-channel recorder «S – Recorder – E». As the subjects participated two groups of students of not sports departments: group A – 12 students who are not engaged in sports and group B – 12 students engaged in various kinds of sports, sporting level I discharge. Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the experimenter acceleration created by the swing man, sitting motionless with his eyes open on seesaw for 30 seconds in two modes – for small and large oscillation amplitude. In the first mode the vertical component of acceleration of the body is maintained at a low level (1.45 ± 0.05 g), and in the second mode – at high level (1,80 ± 0,10 g). Period and frequency fluctuations swings remained constant. In the second experiment, the vertical acceleration of the torso was created efforts of experimenters on the swing – balancer in random mode. For an arbitrary change in the oscillation frequency of the experimenter (for «shaking»), the values of the vertical component of the acceleration of motion of the body is randomly changed within the range 0,30 ± 0,05 g to 1,9 ± 0,10 g. In the first experiment, the first swinging mode (low acceleration) in the subjects of group A (n = 12, 100%) and group B (n = 12, 100%), the respiration rate is equal to the frequency swing. The phase shift pneumogram breathing and sine wave vertical acceleration is a significant difference in athletes only inhalation (p <0.05). The mean value of inhalation and exhalation equal to 0,11 ± 0,04 seconds, and exhalation – 0,09 ± 0,02 seconds. Students not involved in sports, of breathing phase shifts from acceleration are true and at inhalation – 0,19 ± 0,03 seconds, and exhalation – 0,14 ± 0,01 seconds (p <0.01). In the second mode swinging (large acceleration) in the subjects of group A (n = 3; 25%) and group B (n = 12, 100%) respiratory rate becomes equal to the frequency of oscillations of acceleration. It has been found that the subjects had a reciprocal relationship between the maximum value of the vertical component of acceleration and exhalation and inhalation passage at the bottom point of the swing, and between low acceleration values and inhalation and exhalation in two extreme positions of the swing. In this mode, the high values observed phase coupling of breathing with the vertical component of the acceleration of the torso. The other subjects are not involved in sports (n = 9, 75%), respiratory rate also increased with increasing acceleration, but not a multiple of the frequency of oscillations of the swing. Athlete’s phase shift breathing and sine wave vertical acceleration have no significant difference. The average value of the shifts in the inhalation equal to 0,05 ± 0,02 seconds, and exhalation approaches zero – 0,02 ± 0,01 seconds (p > 0.05). However, students not involved in sports, there have been significant shifts the phase of respiration and the vertical component of the acceleration in the direction of increasing at inhalation – 0,31 ± 0,03 seconds, and exhalation phase – 0,24 ± 0,02 seconds (p < 0.01). This increase in of breathing phase shift indicates an increase in the error management system of coordination of breathing students with increasing acceleration, unlike athletes. In the experiment with the creation of vertical acceleration on the swing – balancer students of group A (n = 12, 100%) and some students of group B (n = 3; 25%) there was no correlation of respiration and vertical acceleration. The reciprocal relationship of the phases of respiration and vertical acceleration was observed in student athletes (n = 9, 75%). The results showed that external influences, to create a variable acceleration of motion of the body influence the formation of involuntary acts of inspiration and expiration person in the absence of his own efforts. Features of this effect depend on the magnitude of the vertical component of acceleration of the body, as well as from the experience of human motion. Obviously, the development of teaching methods in physical exercises and breathing should take into account changes in the vertical component of the acceleration of the body in these exercises.