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Sun Energy Is Electric, Neutron Stars Do Not Exist

Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-553495
Open Access
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Published in:
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Velgas L.B. 1 , Iavolinskaia L.L. 2
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2 ICPO "Vozrozhdenie"
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UDC 523


Existing Astronomy stands on two completely false postulates: the first postulate is that the rotation of celestial bodies around their own axis occurs by inertia. The second postulate is that the Sun and the stars have Fusion Energy. In the article, using the formulations of discoveries with brief proofs, we consistently destroy these imaginary postulates and the consequences of these postulates. For example, if there is no thermonuclear reaction in the stars. This means that nothing burns out inside the star, and there is no reason and possibility for collapse, and there can be no consequences from collapse. And we offer new real foundations, alternative Energy. Based on the new established facts, it becomes clear in which cases celestial bodies do not rotate, and in which cases they rotate around their axis. In reality, only those bodies that have satellites rotate intensively around their axis. And these bodies, which have satellites, also have other important properties.


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