List of publications on a keyword: «региональные трехсторонние комиссии»

Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Publication date: 07.08.2018
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Galina V. Surkova , master , postgraduate student
SEI of HE "Moscow Region State University" , Московская обл
Dmitrij N. Ermakov , Honorary employee of the higher professional education of the Russian Federation, Honorary worker of science and technology of Russia, doctor of economic sciences, doctor of political sciences, candidate of historical sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences , профессор
Russian University of Transport , Москва г

«State social policy of the Russian Federation in the context of studying the activities of regional tripartite commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations»

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Identification of best practices and development of recommendations for improving the activities of regional commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations. The purpose of the article was to provide information on the development of improvement of the regional commissions on the regulation of social and labor relations, taking into account the analysis of the effectiveness of the commissions and identify best practices. The materials contained in the work can be used by the representatives of regional Executive bodies, employers ' and trade unions, who are members of the regional trilateral commissions, in the preparation of trilateral agreements and monitoring their implementation.