List of publications on a keyword: «индивидуальная программа реабилитации»

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 18.01.2022
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
N. N. Shmakova
FKU "Glavnoe biuro mediko-sotsial'noi ekspertizy po g. Moskve" Ministerstva truda i sotsial'noi zashchity RF , Москва г

«The need for people with disabilities due to coronary heart disease in medical and social rehabilitation and the results of its implementation»

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The study of the need for people with disabilities due to coronary artery dis-ease in various types of medical and social rehabilitation over a 7-year observation period showed that disabled people needed medical rehabilitation in 100% of cas-es, in professional – in 43.2%, in social – 88.6%, in technical means of rehabilita-tion in 7.6%. In the section of medical rehabilitation, 89.3% of disabled people needed inpatient rehabilitation treatment, 91.1% – outpatient treatment, 46.3% – in sanatorium treatment. Rational employment was needed by 44.8% of disabled persons of group III, 6.1% – disabled persons of group II. 86.4% of disabled peo-ple needed information and consulting services, 77.6% needed legal assistance, 39.8% needed psychological assistance. The proportion of implemented IPRAs was 98.4%, of which in the section of medical rehabilitation – 98.3% of cases, in pro-fessional – 16.6%, in social – 77.7%. The IPRA was fully implemented in 69.6% of cases, partially in 27.3%, and the non-implemented IPRA was 3.1%. As a result of the implementation of these measures, 6.3% of disabled people achieved full com-pensation for impaired functions, 46.8% – partial compensation for impaired func-tions, 8.5% of disabled people achieved full self-service ability, 12.4% – partial, 17, 2% of disabled people are provided with employment. When assessing the need for people with disabilities due to coronary artery disease in various types of reha-bilitation, the leading role of medical rehabilitation with active dynamic control and psychological assistance, the need for motivation for vocational rehabilitation was determined.


Publication date: 24.03.2016
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Nino G. Ergemlidze
Tatiana A. Anbrekht , candidate of juridical sciences
Institut gosudarstva i prava FGAOU VO "Tiumenskii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Тюменская обл

«Профессиональная реабилитация инвалидов»

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Одной из важнейших задач государства, направленных на помощь инвалидам в адаптации к труду, является обеспечение трудоустройства и занятости. Для осуществления эффективной политики государства в сфере социальной защиты инвалидов необходимо оценивать и учитывать потенциальные профессиональные возможности инвалида в каждом конкретном случае. По мнению авторов, невозможно достигнуть преобразования сложившейся системы комплексной реабилитации инвалидов без учета современных требований и международных стандартов.