List of publications on a keyword: «этапы психолого-педагогического сопровождения»


Publication date: 06.08.2019
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Viktoriya V. Serenej , master of pedagogic sciences , speech pathologist
SBEI of the Tyva Republic "Secondary school № 10 for children with disabilities" , Тыва Респ
Elena A. Kalyagina , candidate of psychological sciences , head of chair
FGBOU VO "Khakasskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.F. Katanova" , Хакасия Респ

«Psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities»

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The article describes the main difficulties of child-parent relations in families where children with disabilities are raised, the content of psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities is revealed. The purpose and main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of families with children with disabilities are formulated. Stages of psychological and pedagogical support of the family raising children with disabilities, and also the main directions of work with a family within the Centers of early help and support are designated.