List of publications on a keyword: «статистическая модель»


Publication date: 18.11.2019
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Artem S. Iovbak
FSAEI of HE "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin" , Свердловская обл

«Primenenie avtomatizirovannykh sistem upravleniia»

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В статье обсуждаются подходы, которые в настоящий момент активно используются в экономике.

[08.00.00] Экономические науки

Publication date: 06.08.2018
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Elena V. Khizhkina , экономист-аналитик
GS Group , Санкт-Петербург г

«Analysis of the main problems of intellectual property institute development in Russia»

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In this article it is studied how various factors in combination influence the formation of intellectual property institution and influence the development of the innovative activity of the Russian economy. The effect of each factor on the share of innovation production in the total output in the Russian economy is calculated. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given on the development of the innovative activity of the Russian economy through the development of selected factors.