List of publications on a keyword: «теории личности»


Publication date: 08.05.2018
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Maria A. Angaleva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«The communicative world image as a basis of actualisation of implicit theories of a person (on the example of english language)»

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The article is devoted to the cognitive aspect of verbal actualization of implicit theories of a person in a dialogue, to the definition of a concept as a fragment of ethno-cultural background in the mental world of a person, to the analysis of a speech-making process that accompanies the verbal implementation of implicit theories of a person. The article contains the examples taken from the English and American literature that support the ideas put forward in the article.

Publication date: 27.10.2017
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Maria A. Angaleva , candidate of philological sciences , associate professor
FSOMEI of HE "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , Москва г

«Implicit theories of a person and dialog integrity as a social formation»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and significance of the image of a person, in a form of implicit theories to form the integrity of a dialogue as a social formation, to the analysis of a dialogue as a part of the social situation that presupposes setting various objects and tasks, to the analysis of the verbal integrity of a discourse in the light of the speaker’s conception of a person, i.e. proceeding from his implicit theories of a person that emerge in his ordinary consciousness. The organization of a dialogic discourse is directly connected with implicit theories of a person, which in their turn are a complex of the speaker’s images associated with his interlocutor. The unity and diversity of communicative senses dictate the verbal choice corresponding to the conceptions and images of interlocutors. Within the limits of the common informational field «I» and «you» of interlocutors enter into irreconcilable contradictions, at the same time the two-way character of speech intercourse within the limits of language communication is another factor of the social integrity of a dialogue, the variety of communicative senses is unified by informational, social, conceptual fields. The article analyzes literary examples and extracts from pre-election debates in USA both in Russian and in English.

Социальная психология

Publication date: 09.04.2016
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Dzhakhongir O. Ortikbaev
Dilnoza A. Usta azizova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Tashkentskii pediatricheskii meditsinskii institut , Uzbekistan

«Теории личности в социальной психологии»

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В данной статье рассмотрены мнения психологов о теории личности. Г. Олпорт и Р. Кеттел считают, что каждый человек обладает набором более размытых и не столь бросающихся в глаза вторичных черт. В.А. Сластенин считает, что личностный рост обусловлен множеством внешних и внутренних факторов. По мнению Юнга, личность формируется в течение всей жизни. Рассмотрены также ряд факторов, действующих на процесс формирования личности.