List of publications on a keyword: «международная коммуникация»

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 19.06.2024
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Sevada M. Sargsyan , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan , Armenia

«Fine Arts as a Means of Communication»

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The Fine Art makes use of the opportunities of visual perception and emotional reproduction. In this context it confirms reliably the maximum productive fulfillment of communication by means of usage of visual and graphical technologies of communication. In the article the landscape painting considering as a communication universal way with its overall understandable is highlighted "Ecological international language" or "Ecological international communication" the use of the concepts and grounded with the ecological and communication functions of the landscape painting.

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Publication date: 27.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 0 (Всего: 0)
Zhuyuy In
FSAEI of HE "Far Eastern Federal University" , Приморский край

«Chinese "new media" and their activity in Russia»

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New media can be used as an effective tool for the opening of a new platform for public diplomacy. This fact attracts the attention of Chinese politicians and scholars. In recent years, Chinese new media in Russia are playing roles as an envoy of friendship and support for the exchange of trade and culture. Nevertheless due to lack of cognition communication in Russia does not achieve the desired effect.