List of publications on a keyword: «balance»
Экономическая теория
FSFEI of HE "Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law" , Хабаровский край
«Проблемы формирования инвестиционных ресурсов РФ»
Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)
Olesia O. Andreeva , candidate of economic sciences
FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet" , Санкт-Петербург г
«Анализ экономических показателей на примере предприятия ООО «Гарант-Строй»»
Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)
Tula Branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov , Тульская обл
«Cash flows forecasting using the application model»
This article discusses one method of cash flow management companies – their prediction on the basis of the trend model. Cash Flow Forecasting provides the ability to save the daily solvency of the enterprise, to extract additional profit at the expense of emerging investment of temporarily free financial resources.
Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
FAEI of HE "National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" , Москва г
«Пути пpеoдoления экoнoмичеcкoгo кpизиcа в угoльнoй oтpаcли Poccии»
This article considers the current economic problems of the Russian coal industry, the main of which are the focus of the fuel balance of Russia on the gas and the remoteness of the major coal production regions to export markets. Identified strategic prospects and directions of further development of the industry.
Формирование ценности здоровья и здорового образа жизни
Viktoriia G. Vasilenko , candidate of historical sciences , доцент
FSBEI of HE "Aramvir State Pedagogical University" , Краснодарский край
«Proper nutrition is the foundation of health and longevity»
Proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining health and preventing most diseases. This article examines the impact of daily diet on a person’s physical and mental state, highlights diseases that can be prevented through dietary adjustments, and offers practical steps to form healthier eating habits. The practical part includes a survey aimed at identifying food preferences and their relationship to well-being.
Общее направление
GBUDO DShI "Tsentr" , Москва г