List of publications on a keyword: «labor education»


Publication date: 23.01.2017
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Irina V. Koshienko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
ANO of HE "Moscow University for the Humanities" , Москва г

«The implementation of the content of labor education in the practice of modern pre-school educational institutions»

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The article is devoted to the revival of labor education in the modern preschool educational institutions. Based on the researches of leading educators, psychologists, practitioners and on the basis of a brief analysis of the content of labor education in preschool educational institutions in previous years the author suggests to revive many popular forms of work on labor education of preschool children using modern pedagogical technologies.

Содержание образования и развитие детей дошкольного возраста

Publication date: 30.09.2016
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Zifa G. Pavlova
Olga G. Shameeva
Anna O. Logacheva
ANO DO "Planeta detstva "Lada" - D/S 107 "Iagodka" , Самарская обл

«Педагогические условия формирования компонентов трудовой деятельности у детей 4–5 лет»

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Тhis article examines the issues of labor education in the modern preschool educational institutions. The dedicated purpose of labor education in accordance with GEF requirements to the conditions of realization of basic educational program of preschool education. The complex of measures for forming of the components of labor activity in children 4-5 years. The formation of labour skills through work with parents, creation of developing educational environment